Our children are an important part in the Kingdom of God
We believe that children have access to the same Holy Spirit as adults and that they benefit by being present as the Spirit of God moves through our service.
You have built a stronghold by the songs of babies.
Strength rises up with the chorus of singing children.
This kind of praise has the power to shut Satan’s mouth.
Childlike worship will silence
the madness of those who oppose you.
Psalms 8:2
children in our services
You may notice that our sanctuary looks a little different. We intentionally organize this space to promote freedom in our services. Our children are an important part of our church family and we want them to feel welcome in God’s House. Please feel free to invite your children to participate in worship in the way they feel comfortable. In the rear of our Family Room you will find a chalk wall, tables and supplies for art, and worship flags. We focus on honoring others during our services and making sure that all are encouraged to worship in the way that Holy Spirit leads.
As we move into the Teaching part of our service, we will ask that everyone finds a place to settle, but we are not distracted by quiet noises that may occur when children are present. Children are welcome to play quietly under the supervision of an adult. We cherish them and want them to be apart of what we are doing.
we are intentional
At Briarwood we understand the importance of “training up a child in the way that they should go”. We also believe in the promise that when we do, “they will not depart from it”. We long for our children to engage Holy Spirit and experience the Presence of God and we believe that it is our responsibility to be intentional with teaching them the ways for the Kingdom. As a Church Body, we do this by using the time in our small groups and services to teach children, on their level, what Holy Spirit is teaching us demonstrated in the core values of what we believe. Another way that we can encourage growth with the Father in our children is by encouraging each other as parents. On our resources page, you will find many of the resources that we have found to encourage parents in their daily adventure with their children.